Speaking of bewilderment, that's the reaction you get at this place when you ask for a cappuccino. I get the sense that your average library customer doesn't sip Italian coffee drinks while poring over the latest Mary Higgins Clark gem. They do offer decent if slightly overpriced regular coffee that, in spite of their best efforts, comes in unpredictable levels of strength and hotness.
As for the case at hand, namely lunch, this place makes cheap sandwiches, and weird little individual pizzas in a little oven. They also feature a daily special which ranges from the predictable (Turkey Club) to the eyebrow-raising ("oven-fried cod"). Service runs at its own pace here, and employees do not hold your hand through the ordering process. "Nope, we don't have that right now" is an all-too frequent response when ordering something for lunch, particularly soup. God know why, but people love soup. I wonder if these people know that the soup just gets squeezed out of a plastic bag every morning. Anyhow, they aren't gonna apologize for being out of something. That's just the way it is people.
This place is pretty hoppin' at the noon hour. I don't know if it's library folks or employees from around the area, but prepare to wait a while to place your order. I'm not sure it's worth it, if you are in a hurry, but if it gets your ass in the library, I'm all for it. Sometimes they jam the music in here too. It's kind of funny to be sitting at a table and have trouble hearing your lunchmate because some bland pseudo-African smooth jazz is blaring overhead. I think these employees are just a little bored.
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